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Provimi Adapting a global animal nutrition brand grow sales in S.E.Asia


Adapting a global animal nutrition brand grow sales in S.E.Asia


Animal nutrition branding: Provimi is a global animal nutrition company providing specialized solutions to feed mills and animal producers. As part of Cargill; Provimi has the experience, expertise and reach to help their clients grow their businesses. More importantly, they pride themselves on giving responsible advice to clients, so Tangible articulated these strengths by positioning them as the responsible partners giving insights that support growth.

Brand Consultancy in Agriculture Industry. Brochure for Provimi.
Brand Consultancy in Agriculture Industry. Brochure for Provimi.
Brand Consultancy in Agriculture Industry. Bus Stop Ad for Provimi.

Marketing & Communications

Tangible refreshed the visual core elements system to reflect the thoughtful and considered brand personality of Provimi. We also developed a verbal identity guide with key messages organized by client types to best tell the story of the brand. After the visual system had been developed, we created a PowerPoint pitch deck as well as educational video to help the commercial team easily communicate the Provimi advantage.

Brand Consultancy in Agriculture Industry. Powerpoint design for Provimi.
Brand Consultancy in Agriculture Industry. Graphics for Provimi.
Brand Consultancy in Agriculture Industry. Graphics for Provimi.
Brand Consultancy in Agriculture Industry. Brochure for Provimi.
Brand Consultancy in Agriculture Industry. Brochure for Provimi.

Products & Services

Tangible helped improve how Provimi organized and presented its extensive product offer by organizing them based on types of customers and what they care most about. By focusing on key issues faced and how the products address those issues, we developed a more streamlined way to help clients navigate the product portfolio.

Visit: Provimi